Ket Katarina Popović media arts portfolio

Neighbor was an interactive installation transforming a border rock into a portal
to a culture close by. It premiered at Bomontiada garden in Istanbul, in 2019.
(scroll here for more)

Background story:
Turks and Serbs share a long history of teritorial interests, tension and conflict.
And also the one of inspiration and influence.
I was wondering, what if art and technology could bring them closer together?

Neighbor rock brought sounds of Belgrade in the heart of Istanbul.
In an intimate interaction with a massive (2T) rock sounds of Belgrade could be heard.
It took a little bravery to lean your forehead onto something unknown.
This is a necessary step to opening up – overcoming the fear of what is strange or new.
By choosing to carefully listen we open ourselves to others.
This is how the borders and walls dissapear. We really hear what is *or who is on the other side.
We might understand. We are drawn into the world of other, and perhaps- inspired.

Bone conduction was enabling this prayer-like interaction.
The sound was transmitted via bone conduction – the sound waves travelled through the bones of the skull to the inner ear. This discrete technology created a somewhat magical experience because only you could hear the sounds clearly, they were inaudible to everyone around.

The work was done during my Connecting art residency in Istanbul that was organized by British Council and partnering organizations from 4 countries – Nova Iskra from Serbia (thank you people!).

I have collaborated on this piece with Turkish sound artist Ferit Ozguner and sound artist from Serbia – Vladimir Radinovic and Manja Ristic.
Special thanks go to my hubby Aki Rodić for his help with filming, photographing and editing (and some broken audio fixes) and to Emmy Bacharach for being in the featured image 🙂 and being a really great friend during the residency.

Komsu-Installation-by-Ketworks.png Komsu-Neighbor-installation-ketworks-scaled.jpg Komsu-Installation-Ketwors.png