Ket Katarina Popović media arts portfolio
Posted on February 21, 2019 by ketworks_cp8esr on Blog

What is the human-like machine like?

Or, rather what it really means to be human? We create in our own image. Or do we? The projects researched here were used by Lucy A. Suchman as examples that: ” make evident how roboticist imagine humanness”.  In the case of the human, the prevailing figuration in Euro-American imaginaries is one of autonomous, rational agency, and […]

Posted on October 18, 2018 by ketworks_cp8esr on Blog

Kintsugi … but what happens before gold?

Pain happens. How difficult it is to talk about pain? The words are no good for it. They are simple, flat, vulgar. Are they all we have to express/communicate pain?   ‘Each patient discovers his own’, he stated, ‘and the nature of pain varies, like a singer’s voice, according to the acoustics of the hall.’ […]